Dear Friends of Pacov Synagogue,
Greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
As usual, we are publishing a short report on last year’s activities and the upcoming plans for 2025.

First of all, the Rabbi’s house was declared a national heritage site in 2024.
Regarding the reconstruction of the synagogue, the eastern facade (opposite the entrance) was completed last year thanks to the support of the Vysocina Fund, the Holocaust Foundation and the city of Pacov. At the beginning of November, the National Heritage Institute made a full-day inspection and approved the renovation work. The Torah area and the entrance to the women’s gallery were also uncovered. The four non-original windows were removed from the northern facade (to the left as you enter), which remains to be renovated. The windows will remain open to the elements during the winter period to allow the building to “freeze”, which should help to reduce the humidity.
We are monitoring the groundwater level inside the synagogue so that we can work with the geologists and architects to design the best solution for the floor, including underground ventilation system.
This year the reconstruction of the synagogue will continue with the renovation of the last (northern) facade, including the replacement of the four windows. This segment will be financed with CZK 2 million from the European Union’s Integrated Regional Operational Programme.
The Czech-German Future Fund and the Holocaust Victims Endowment Fund have confirmed their continued support in the total amount of CZK800,000. We are also preparing applications for support from the Vysocina Fund and the city of Pacov. These contributions will be used to uncover and preserve the original paintwork inside the synagogue.
If everything goes as expected, a major part of the synagogue’s reconstruction will be complete by the end of the year. Important remaining work for the future includes the renovation of the floor and the installation of the electrical system.
This year’s Jewish Memorial Day will be on a smaller scale = an open day with guided tours of the synagogue and the rabbi’s house.