If you’ve been in the vicinity of Pacov synagogue recently, you will have noticed the busy renovation works that are happening right now! As reported earlier this year, we foresaw the complete reconstruction of the roof, in case it proved necessary. And indeed, according to a recent structural survey, the rafters were infested with woodworm, the roof was leaking and collapse was imminent. While reconstructing the roof, we will also remove a non-original extension to the southern wall, where an industrial lift was annexed to the synagogue in its warehouse days.

The reconstruction works are made possible thanks to the financial support of the Czech-German Future Fund, the Vysočina (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands) Fund, the City of Pacov, the British Friends of Czech Heritage foundation, and donations by private individuals, including a generous contribution by Julian J. Hradecky, a Canadian of Pacov ancestry.
The reconstruction works are in the hands of Mr Jaroslav Nekovář of the Stavneko company, who has experience of similar renovations. If everything goes according to plan with no complications, this part of the renovation should be completed by the end of the summer. If you visit us in August, you can witness the reconstruction first hand.
The synagogue and also the nearby house of the former rabbi will be open to the public on Czech Jewish Heritage Day, Sunday 8 August, 1pm – 4pm.

In case you are interested in the next steps, an architectural study has been drawn up, and we have a building permit for the entire renovation of the exterior and part of the interior. How quickly this proceeds depends entirely on securing additional funding. Hopefully it will not take too long for this important Pacov monument to regain its original appearance and open to Pacov residents and all those interested in the culture and history of the Czech Jews.
Finally, I would like to mention two important anniversaries:
November 2022 marks 80 years since the tragic event of the transport of the Pacov Jews to the Terezin ghetto, and from there to the Nazi extermination camps. Together with our colleagues and friends from the Jewish Memorial in Cernovice, we are preparing a programme of events to mark this anniversary, which we will share with you nearer the time.
The second date is more joyful: the year 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the completion of the (modern reconstruction of the) synagogue in 1823. We very much hope the synagogue will be in decent shape by this anniversary, so that we can take pride in our collective efforts.
Pavel Tychtl
President of Tikkun Pacov